About Us

At GHOP, our mission is that God’s people would know Him and we would be a community of believers that are passionate about making Him known.

Our Story

Birth from a simple act of obedience, God’s House of Praise is a church where we come alongside each other on this journey to honor GOD and do life together.  Simply put, we are common people in love and pursuit of the uncommon GOD.

Our Mission

God’s House of Praise is purposed with bringing salvation to the lost and empowering the saved through the power, presence, and name of Jesus Christ.

We consider reaching people who do not know God personally through the finished work of Jesus Christ to be one of the two greatest missions of the church. It is our goal to come alongside those on their journey to know God, to help them find the freedom that Christ paid for on the cross, discover their purposes and make a difference, through the grace of God, in the lives of others.

We consider the disciplining of the body and the multiplying of disciples to be the other great mission of the church. We believe that “change is significant” and life change happens in the context of healthy, vibrant, growing relationships. It is our goal that as we do life on life together, we become living examples to those we serve and minister to and in turn, they would become the same to others.

We intend to fulfill our God-mandated purpose through the building of authentic relationships, spirit-inspired teaching of the Word of God and ministries that equip the called of God.

We invite you to be a part of what God is doing! The greatest praise we can give God is when we, His children, look like Him.

Our Vision

That God’s people would know GOD and have a passion to make HIM known.


P.O. Box 854
Spring, TX. 77383-0854

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